The AJY Journal

ayurveda complément alimentaire soleil ayurvéda ajy alexandra rosenfeld ajyhâlée

Solar food supplement for protected skin

Protecting your skin from the sun is essential to avoid sunburn, premature aging and the risk of cancer. UVB and UVA rays, although beneficial for vitamin D synthesis, can cause...

Solar food supplement for protected skin

Protecting your skin from the sun is essential to avoid sunburn, premature aging and the risk of cancer. UVB and UVA rays, although beneficial for vitamin D synthesis, can cause...

Probiotiques et santé vaginale : un duo essentiel pour l’équilibre féminin

Probiotics and vaginal health: an essential duo...

Vaginal health, the key to women's well-being, is often neglected despite its crucial role. The vaginal flora, rich in living microorganisms, is the first line of defense against infections. Probiotics,...

Probiotics and vaginal health: an essential duo...

Vaginal health, the key to women's well-being, is often neglected despite its crucial role. The vaginal flora, rich in living microorganisms, is the first line of defense against infections. Probiotics,...

La vitamine B : sources, bienfaits et importance pour la santé

Vitamin B: sources, benefits and importance for...

Vitamin B plays an essential role in maintaining our health and well-being. From converting food into energy to forming healthy cells, B vitamins are central to many metabolic processes. This...

Vitamin B: sources, benefits and importance for...

Vitamin B plays an essential role in maintaining our health and well-being. From converting food into energy to forming healthy cells, B vitamins are central to many metabolic processes. This...

C'est quoi la prétox? Préparation et renforcement avant les fêtes de fin d'année

What is pretox? Preparation and strengthening b...

The holiday season is often synonymous with rejoicing... and overeating. To help our body better manage these excesses, pretox appears to be an effective preventive solution. This concept, less well...

What is pretox? Preparation and strengthening b...

The holiday season is often synonymous with rejoicing... and overeating. To help our body better manage these excesses, pretox appears to be an effective preventive solution. This concept, less well...

système digestif ajy compléments alimentaires

The human digestive system: a complete guide to...

The human digestive system is a complex orchestra of organs working together to convert food into energy and essential nutrients, ensuring our survival and health. Understanding how it works not...

The human digestive system: a complete guide to...

The human digestive system is a complex orchestra of organs working together to convert food into energy and essential nutrients, ensuring our survival and health. Understanding how it works not...

Guide complet sur les probiotiques : bienfaits et sources

Complete guide to probiotics: benefits and sour...

This article explores in depth the role of probiotics, their impact on different aspects of health, natural sources, dietary supplements and tips for optimal use.

Complete guide to probiotics: benefits and sour...

This article explores in depth the role of probiotics, their impact on different aspects of health, natural sources, dietary supplements and tips for optimal use.

Combattre la fatigue avec l'Ayurvéda : retrouvez énergie et tonus grâce aux compléments alimentaires

Fight fatigue with Ayurveda: regain energy and ...

Fatigue can be an alarming sign of a deeper imbalance in our body. Often linked to nutritional deficiencies, it can alter the quality of our daily life. AJY, inspired by...

Fight fatigue with Ayurveda: regain energy and ...

Fatigue can be an alarming sign of a deeper imbalance in our body. Often linked to nutritional deficiencies, it can alter the quality of our daily life. AJY, inspired by...

La vitamine B12 : essentielle pour éviter les carences mais souvent négligée

Vitamin B12: essential to avoid deficiencies bu...

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is crucial for health and well-being. Yet many people don't realize the importance of maintaining adequate levels of this essential vitamin. In this article, find out...

Vitamin B12: essential to avoid deficiencies bu...

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is crucial for health and well-being. Yet many people don't realize the importance of maintaining adequate levels of this essential vitamin. In this article, find out...

Les bienfaits des compléments alimentaires

The benefits of food supplements

Faced with a hectic life and the complexity of our eating routines, the consumption of food supplements continues to grow. Thus, we have the opportunity to discover Ajy, the brand...

The benefits of food supplements

Faced with a hectic life and the complexity of our eating routines, the consumption of food supplements continues to grow. Thus, we have the opportunity to discover Ajy, the brand...

Booster sa libido naturellement

Boost your libido naturally

Libido, this vital impulse that caresses our intimacy, is influenced by a multitude of factors, oscillating between our physical, emotional and mental well-being. Increasing sexual desire is not limited to...

Boost your libido naturally

Libido, this vital impulse that caresses our intimacy, is influenced by a multitude of factors, oscillating between our physical, emotional and mental well-being. Increasing sexual desire is not limited to...

Renforcer son immunité à l'approche de l'automne grâce aux compléments alimentaires AJY

Strengthen your immunity as fall approaches tha...

With the arrival of fall, we face drops in temperature and shorter days, which can lead to lower energy for some of us. In this context, it is essential to...

Strengthen your immunity as fall approaches tha...

With the arrival of fall, we face drops in temperature and shorter days, which can lead to lower energy for some of us. In this context, it is essential to...

Booster sa concentration et mémoire : Optimisez votre cerveau avec Ajyodée et Ajygaité

Boost your concentration and memory: Optimize y...

Improve your concentration, memory, and brain for optimal performance thanks to Ajyodée and Ajygaité food supplement treatments. Find out how in this article.

Boost your concentration and memory: Optimize y...

Improve your concentration, memory, and brain for optimal performance thanks to Ajyodée and Ajygaité food supplement treatments. Find out how in this article.

Rentrée - Démarrez la rentrée "zen" avec un lifestyle ayurvédique et des cures adaptées

Back to school - Start the “zen” back to school...

In this article , we will explore how Ayurveda, this ancient Indian medicine, and our range of food supplements can help you balance your lifestyle and reduce your stress to get...

Back to school - Start the “zen” back to school...

In this article , we will explore how Ayurveda, this ancient Indian medicine, and our range of food supplements can help you balance your lifestyle and reduce your stress to get...

Détoxification naturelle compléments detox purification ayurvéda

Natural detoxification: body, mind, food supple...

In a contemporary world saturated with pollutants and anxiety, the quest for balance between body and mind is more crucial than ever. Discover how natural detoxification offers a path to...

Natural detoxification: body, mind, food supple...

In a contemporary world saturated with pollutants and anxiety, the quest for balance between body and mind is more crucial than ever. Discover how natural detoxification offers a path to...

ajyveg compléments alimentaires régime végétarien vegan vitamine B12

Vitamin B12 and vegan diet: an essential symbio...

The importance of vitamin B12 intake for vegetarians cannot be underestimated. It is essential to human health and plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the human body....

Vitamin B12 and vegan diet: an essential symbio...

The importance of vitamin B12 intake for vegetarians cannot be underestimated. It is essential to human health and plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the human body....

kitchari recette detox ayurvéda ayurveda ajy complément alimentaire nutrition alexandra rosenfeld

The Kitchari recipe - the detox mono diet

Considered in Ayurvedic medicine as one of the oldest healing systems, kitchari is a traditional purification and detox dish that facilitates the elimination of accumulated toxins in our body. It...

The Kitchari recipe - the detox mono diet

Considered in Ayurvedic medicine as one of the oldest healing systems, kitchari is a traditional purification and detox dish that facilitates the elimination of accumulated toxins in our body. It...

ajy ayurvéda ayurveda yoga massage bien-être alexandra rosenfeld yoga

How to detoxify your body and eliminate toxins?

Ayurveda helps us eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body, called Ama. Diet, plant cures as supplements, yoga or breathing help the body to better detoxify.

How to detoxify your body and eliminate toxins?

Ayurveda helps us eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body, called Ama. Diet, plant cures as supplements, yoga or breathing help the body to better detoxify.

ajy complément alimentaire detox ayurvéda ayurveda citron dépuratif bien-être nutrition alexandra rosenfeld

Detox: how to eliminate so-called Ama toxins?

The ama refers to toxins that stagnate in the body due to poorly digested food, polluted air, sedentary lifestyle or stress. This phenomenon is the cause of a large number of...

Detox: how to eliminate so-called Ama toxins?

The ama refers to toxins that stagnate in the body due to poorly digested food, polluted air, sedentary lifestyle or stress. This phenomenon is the cause of a large number of...

Ajy complément alimentaire nutrition ayurvéda ayurveda alexandra rosenfeld vegan végétarien flexitarien senior sportifs

Ayurveda and food: what foods to eat according ...

The Vata, Pitta and Kapha constitutions need proper nutrition to be balanced. Here are the basics of the Ayurvedic diet and the recommended foods for each dosha. Foods should be...

Ayurveda and food: what foods to eat according ...

The Vata, Pitta and Kapha constitutions need proper nutrition to be balanced. Here are the basics of the Ayurvedic diet and the recommended foods for each dosha. Foods should be...

routine du soir sommeil ayurvéda ayurveda ajy complément alimentaire ayurvédique alexandra rosenfeld

Good evening reflexes in Ayurveda

As important as the morning ritual in Ayurveda, the evening ritual allows you to end the day well and evacuate all sources of stress to spend a quality night. Just...

Good evening reflexes in Ayurveda

As important as the morning ritual in Ayurveda, the evening ritual allows you to end the day well and evacuate all sources of stress to spend a quality night. Just...

ajy compléments alimentaires ayurvéda ayurveda alexandra rosenfeld

The Vegan Golden Milk recipe.

Vegan Golden Milk is an Ayurvedic drink made from vegetable milk and turmeric. It is a hot drink that can be consumed at breakfast , in the afternoon or in...

The Vegan Golden Milk recipe.

Vegan Golden Milk is an Ayurvedic drink made from vegetable milk and turmeric. It is a hot drink that can be consumed at breakfast , in the afternoon or in...

ajyveg compléments alimentaire B12 végétariens végétaliens végan sportif alexandra rosenfeld

Why do a vitamin B12 cure?

Vitamin B12 is crucial for the proper functioning of our body. Also known as cobalamin, it is a water-soluble vitamin essential for the proper functioning of our body. It plays...

Why do a vitamin B12 cure?

Vitamin B12 is crucial for the proper functioning of our body. Also known as cobalamin, it is a water-soluble vitamin essential for the proper functioning of our body. It plays...

ajy ayurvéda ayurveda alexandra rosenfeld bien-être yoga

Sport at the heart of my AJY method

Physical exercise is not a performance without interest, it is a deep connection between the head and the body, just like yoga. When we take back control of our body...

Sport at the heart of my AJY method

Physical exercise is not a performance without interest, it is a deep connection between the head and the body, just like yoga. When we take back control of our body...

Ajy complément alimentaire nutrition ayurvéda ayurveda alexandra rosenfeld vegan acceptation de soi bien-être yoga

The path to self-acceptance

"Too fat", "too thin", do these terms make sense? Let's free ourselves from the models and stereotypes of beauty that mankind has imposed on itself. Welcome to the 21st century!...

The path to self-acceptance

"Too fat", "too thin", do these terms make sense? Let's free ourselves from the models and stereotypes of beauty that mankind has imposed on itself. Welcome to the 21st century!...