Vitamin B12 and vegan diet: an essential symbiosis for health
The importance of vitamin B12 intake for vegetarians
The importance of vitamin B12 intake for vegetarians cannot be underestimated. It is essential for human health and plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the human body. It is essential for the formation of red blood cells, the proper functioning of the nervous system, DNA synthesis and protein metabolism. Without a sufficient amount of B12, the body can be exposed to various health problems.
Vitamin B12: an overview
What is Vitamin B12?
B12, or cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin essential for DNA synthesis, the formation of red blood cells, and the proper functioning of the nervous system.
Sources of Vitamin B12
B12 is mainly found in animal products. Hence the risk of deficiency for vegetarians and vegans who eat little or no animal products.
Vitamin B12 in vegetarian and vegan diets
The B12 Challenge for Vegetarians
Vegetarians may have a lower B12 intake because they avoid meat. Some dairy products and eggs, however, contain B12.
The situation of vegans
Vegans, avoiding all animal products, are particularly at risk of B12 deficiency. Supplements or fortified foods are therefore necessary.
Deficiency symptoms
A B12 deficiency can lead to fatigue, neurological problems, and in severe cases, anemia and memory problems.
Workarounds and Alternatives
Consuming fortified foods, such as plant-based milks and cereals, or taking supplements can help prevent B12 deficiency. The signs may be subtle at first but can get worse quickly, especially in those following a vegan diet without appropriate supplements.
How to know your level of B12 in the body?
The first examination prescribed by the doctor when faced with symptoms of anemia is the complete blood count, also called NFS: blood count.
The red blood cells will simply be counted and related to the hemoglobin level.
When your hemoglobin level is:
less than 13 grams per deciliter (g/dl) in humans,
12 g/dl in women
and 10.5 g/dl in pregnant women from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy…
…you are anemic.
Importance of B12 for seniors
Needs Increase with Age
With age, the absorption of B12 may decrease. Seniors may require supplements or an enriched diet to maintain optimal levels.
Where to find vitamin B12: food, food supplements
For vegetarians or omnivores, B12 can be found in animal products such as eggs and dairy products. They can find their contributions in the meat which they consume the ruminants inter alia having developed symbioses with the adequate bacteria which are found in favorable conditions to produce B12.
Role in mental health
B12 is linked to cognitive health. A deficiency can contribute to depression and dementia in the elderly.
Prevention and Treatment: Managing B12 Risks and Deficiencies in Seniors
Prevention and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency in seniors are crucial measures to minimize the risks associated with this deficiency. The risks of B12 deficiencies increase with age, and the consequences can be serious. Here's how to manage these risks:
Fortified food products
Food products fortified with B12, such as certain bran or oat cereals and plant-based drinks such as almond, rice or soy milk, are also great options for vegetarians and vegans.
Food supplements
Vegans can turn to supplements like AJYVEG and fortified foods to ensure they're getting enough of this essential vitamin. Quintessence of vitamins B12, B6, B2, B9 and D3 associated with the regulating power of iodine, AJYVEG supplements provide a dose of essential nutrients.
What is the most assimilable version of vitamin B12 and which contains the most contribution?
The question of which form of vitamin B12 is most effective is frequently asked, especially by those looking to maximize their health. Methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin are two forms of vitamin B12 that often spark debate in the nutrition world.
Methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin: an overview
These two forms of vitamin B12 are produced in the same way, but they differ in their chemical composition. So what sets them apart and why do these differences matter?
Methylcobalamin : This is a form of vitamin B12 that is naturally present in certain foods. It is often considered to be more "natural" and is the form of B12 used directly in the human body. Some people claim it's better absorbed, but that claim isn't necessarily supported by research.
Cyanocobalamin : This is a synthetic form of vitamin B12. It is often used in supplements and foods fortified with vitamin B12. Cyanocobalamin must be converted to methylcobalamin in the body before it can be used.
Assimilation and Conversion
In reality, the shape of the molecule has little or no effect on the B12 conversion process in the body. The initial molecules are always degraded before they can be assimilated: there is no more "active" form of B12 than the other.
This may be surprising, given that many sources suggest that one form is superior to the other. The truth is that each person can react differently to different forms of B12, and it can depend on various factors such as genetics, diet, age, and general health.
Bioavailability and Absorption
As for bioavailability for better assimilation, all forms of B12 make it possible to secure intake: most studies have demonstrated very similar absorption levels for these two forms of B12. Bioavailability refers to the amount of vitamin that is actually absorbed and used by the body. In this context, methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin look almost identical.
In conclusion, vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that the body must obtain through diet or supplementation. Although methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin are different in their chemical structure, their effectiveness appears to be broadly similar.
For AJYVEG we use Cyanocobalamin
How much vitamin B12 is needed per day?
For adults
Adults generally need around 2.4 micrograms of B12 per day, although this can vary depending on factors such as age and lifestyle.
For kids
The amount of B12 needed for children varies by age, ranging from 0.4 to 1.8 micrograms per day.
In conclusion, B12 is a nutrient whose importance cannot be ignored for vegans. Although the vegan diet and the vegetarian diet offer many benefits, it is crucial to take steps to ensure an adequate intake of B12. With due diligence and planning, vegans can maintain optimal health and reap the full benefits of their eco-friendly and ethical diet. Remember to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice tailored to your individual needs.