Ayurveda, balance of body and mind.

Ayurveda is an ancient medicine that simultaneously treats the body and mind.
The term Ayurveda comes from Sanskrit and means "knowledge of life". This traditional medicine, practiced for thousands of years in India, originating from the Himalayan mountains, is a holistic method based on awareness of the union of body and mind. It highlights our dependence on our environment, the living world and nature.

Ayurvedic knowledge was transmitted orally through the generations, then in the texts called the Vedas , from which also come the practices of yoga and meditation. Vital energy, the balance of body and mind are the keys to this culture.
Recognized in 1982 by the World Health Organization (WHO), this method teaches us to protect our health by understanding our own physiological and mental functioning. It does not replace current Western medicine, but accompanies it in the same way as alternative medicines (naturopathy, herbal medicine, etc.).
"It was when I felt the need to practice yoga and take control of my diet that I adopted Ayurveda. It is part of my AJY discipline, my health capital."
Alexandra Rosenfeld
For a peaceful vitality, according to Ayurveda, there are 3 vectors of health:
- Ahara : Food
- Vihara : How to live your life
- Manovyapara : Mental state
For health, beauty and well-being, Ahara is essential.
The basis of Ayurveda:
The Doshas are in Ayurveda, the 3 vital energies which guide the deep nature of each one from a physiological and psychological point of view. There is the VATA dosha, the PITTA dosha and the KAPHA dosha.
Each of the 3 doshas represents a combination of 2 of the 5 elements: ETHER, AIR, FIRE, WATER AND EARTH.

ETHER: 1st element
It is space, it is still, cold and omnipresent. It is from the ether that everything is created. We need this space to create the other 4 elements.
The connection to the body : it is present in the receptacle areas, which fill up such as the lungs, bladder and intestines.
The connection to the senses : it is linked to hearing and the mind (in Ayurveda, the mind is found in the heart). It will analyze the situations that guide our actions, it makes us reflective.
The connection to the mind : it has the ability to adapt. He is open to changes and challenges.
The link to the seasons : late autumn, early winter because this is the time when nature apparently dies, but dies to create space.
The link to the period of life : end of life, at the time of death
Beneficial activities : meditation, sleep, rest, silence, detaching yourself from others to stay alone, absence of movement.
The ether begins to move and becomes air.