Doshas: the 3 vital energies
Doshas: the three vital energies in Ayurveda.
Considered the golden triangle of Ayurveda, the doshas bring together the five elements and describe biological constitutions. Each person has a unique combination of these three humors called, Vata, Pitta and Kapha .
In Ayurveda, the Prakriti or the birth constitution of each human being is a reflection of the five elements which are Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth and which are expressed in the body.
Thus, the Ether (Akasha) is present throughout the body and Air (Vayu) circulates in the body and is at the origin of movement.
Corresponding to light and heat, Fire (Tejas) plays a role in metabolism and Water (Apa) is found in every fluid in the body such as urine, saliva or plasma. Finally, the Earth (Prithivi) manifests itself in bones, tissues and pores of the skin.
Can be considered as biological forms of energy, the three doshas, Vata , Pitta And Kapha, contain the five elements in varying proportions and govern the physical, psychic and psychological systems of each of us, Vata is composed of Air and Ether, Pitta of Fire And Kapha is composed of Water and Earth. They interact and are interdependent: Vata governs Pitta And Kapha who are incapable of moving without his intervention.
Often translated as moods, doshas describe the environment, food, mind or body, but also biological constitutions.
We all have a unique mix of the three doshas , but usually one of them takes over. So, if the dosha Kapha dominates in your home, it is said that you have a constitution Kapha.
Most people are ruled by two doshas and it is rare to be ruled by only one pure dosha. Conversely, some people have a constitution with the three doshas in equal proportion: we then speak of a tridosha constitution.
The three doshas are not static, but constantly evolving and their proportion varies throughout our lives depending on the seasons, our environment, our activities and our diet. Depending on their proportion and location in the body, they give valuable information on life potential, strengths, but also weaknesses.
Your doshic profile, which you can define on our test , allows you to define innate characteristics and paths of evolution. The doshas allow us to better understand ourselves, but also to better understand others.
When a dosha is unbalanced, it disrupts the proper circulation of vital energy. Digestion and processing of food are impaired and waste accumulates. This inner imbalance is called the Vikurti . Ayurveda therefore seeks above all to harmonize these moods.
How ? Diet is the most interesting way to achieve the balance of the doshas, but not only that. Meditation , breathing and yoga also help to harmonize them. Massages , the use of specific plants , a healthy lifestyle, targeted physical activity and a modification of harmful behaviors are also the key in Ayurveda to fully express one's potential and live in peace with one's environment.
According to Ayurveda, there are seven types of possible dosha combinations:
Vata dominant
Pitta dominant
Kapha dominant
Vata-Pitta (mixed constitution)
Vata-Kapha (mixed constitution)
Pitta-Kapha (mixed constitution)
Vata-Pitta-Kapha (tridoshic constitution)