How to fight fall hair loss naturally?
How to combat fall hair loss naturally?
Autumn is a season that rhymes with color and softness. However, for many people, it is also the season when hair falls out more. Faced with this seasonal hair loss, how can you counteract it naturally?
Is it normal to lose hair in the fall?
Hair loss in the fall is a commonly observed phenomenon, raising many questions and concerns. Is it normal? Is it a sign of an underlying disease? Rest assured, there are very specific reasons behind this phenomenon.
The Natural Life Cycle of Hair
The life of each hair follows a cycle consisting of several stages: the active growth phase (anagen), the resting phase (catagen) and the shedding phase (telogen). At any given time, each of our hairs can be at a different stage of this cycle.
The influence of the hair cycle on autumn hair loss
When fall arrives, many hairs enter the telogen phase simultaneously. This synchronization, influenced by seasonal and biological factors, leads to more noticeable hair loss. Just as trees shed their leaves, it is natural for us to lose more hair during this time.
The after-effects of summer attacks
Summer, although synonymous with fun and relaxation, is also a time when our hair is put to the test.
The ravages of the sun
Prolonged exposure to the sun can dry out and weaken the hair fiber. UV rays break down essential proteins in the hair, compromising its strength.
Chlorine and salt water: a harmful combination
Swimming is one of the pleasures of summer, but the chlorine in swimming pools and sea salt can alter the structure of the hair, making it brittle and dull.
The solution? Autumn regeneration
After these attacks, autumn gives our scalp the necessary recovery time. It regenerates, which can also explain more noticeable hair loss during this season.
The impact of overwork and hormonal changes
Every year, fall coincides with the resumption of many activities: work, school, etc., making this period a potential source of stress.
Stress: an enemy of our hair
Stress can disrupt the hair cycle, accelerating the transition of hair into the telogen phase. In other words, stress can precipitate hair loss.
Hormonal fluctuations
Hormonal changes, often influenced by seasonal variations, can also affect hair density. Although this can affect everyone, women are particularly susceptible to these fluctuations, especially due to menstrual cycles.
In conclusion, while hair loss in the fall may seem worrying, it is often part of a natural and cyclical process. Taking care of your hair, especially after the summer, and managing your stress are key steps to minimizing this seasonal hair loss.
Which month sees the most hair loss?
Hair loss varies throughout the seasons, and while everyone may have a unique experience based on their own biological characteristics, many experts agree that the fall season, particularly the months of October and November , sees a greater rate of hair loss . This observation is explained by the natural cycle of the hair. Following summer aggressions such as sun exposure, chlorine and sea salt, the hair structure can be weakened, leading to fall regeneration. In addition, the combined effects of back-to-school stress and seasonal hormonal fluctuations can contribute to this increased shedding. That's why it's essential to pay special attention to the health of your hair during this time, by adopting a suitable care routine and considering nutritional supplements to strengthen the scalp from the inside out.
Our natural tips to combat autumn hair loss
Eat a balanced diet
Diet plays a vital role in hair health. Foods rich in biotin, iron, zinc and vitamins A and E are particularly recommended. For example, spinach, lentils and almonds are excellent allies. You can also find Iron in the Ajyode cure. In Ayurveda, emphasis is placed on the importance of a diet rich in green vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts to provide the essential nutrients for hair growth. You can also enhance your infusions with Ayurvedic medicinal plants such as amla, brahmi or bhringaraj, which are traditionally used to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss.
Treat yourself to scalp massages
Scalp massages, in addition to being relaxing, promote blood circulation. With a few drops of rosemary or lavender essential oils, they can become a beneficial ritual. In Ayurveda, these are called hair oil massages (Nasya). These massages, often performed with oils infused with herbs such as bhringaraj or amla, stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, thus strengthening the hair follicles.
The importance of a good shampoo
Opt for gentle shampoos, without sulfates or parabens. They will respect your scalp better, thus preserving the health of your hair.
Healthy Living Practice in Ayurveda
As we have seen, stress is often a contributing factor to hair loss. Ayurveda recommends relaxation techniques, such as meditation and yoga, to reduce stress and balance vital energy. According to Ayurveda, hair health is intrinsically linked to the individual's state of mind. Stress, whether physical, emotional or mental, can imbalance the doshas, especially the Vata dosha, which is often associated with hair problems.
Meditation :
Adopting a daily meditation routine can help calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and improve focus. When the mind is at peace, it has a beneficial effect on the body, including hair health. Meditation helps balance the doshas, especially Vata, which when out of balance can lead to hair loss.
Yoga :
Regular yoga practice strengthens not only the body, but also the mind. Specific postures, such as the Uttanasana pose or the Bhujangasana cobra pose, can improve blood circulation to the scalp, promoting better hair growth. In addition, yoga helps balance hormones, which are often disrupted by stress, which can affect hair loss.
Breathing (Pranayama) :
Ayurveda values Pranayama, or breath control, as a way to regulate the body's energies. Exercises such as "abdominal breathing" or "alternate nostril breathing" can help reduce stress, improve cellular oxygenation, and balance the doshas.
The Ajycapil treatment : an optimal solution for nourishing the hair bulb
Faced with the seasonal fall, following a course of food supplements for 3 months such as the Ajycapil course proves to be a very good solution
Why choose Ajycapil ?
The power of horsetail
Horsetail, rich in silica, strengthens hair, making it less brittle. This ancient plant has been used for centuries to improve hair texture.
The virtues of nettle
In addition to its vitamins and minerals, nettle regulates sebum production, a factor contributing to hair loss. It is also known to strengthen the hair bulb.
The power of rocket
Rich in vitamins A and C, calcium and potassium, arugula helps stimulate the hair bulb, thus strengthening the hair roots.
How to integrate Ajycapil into your routine?
A 3-month course of Ajycapil , at the change of season, can prevent hair loss and stimulate regrowth. Just take 2 capsules every morning to benefit from all its advantages.
Testimonials: Those who adopted Ajycapil
Elise M. 35-44 years old:
"Perfect !
Effective food supplement! 2 months of use and lots of little hairs appearing!"
H3: Julie T, 45-54 years old:
"Voluminous Hair
In 1 month, I already have regrowth and stronger hair. Even my nails grow faster and are stronger! I'm continuing the treatment!"
Conclusion: anticipate to avoid suffering
In short, hair loss in autumn, often perceived with concern, is actually a natural manifestation of the hair cycle. It is crucial to prioritize appropriate care after the summer aggressions and to maintain healthy management of overwork to minimize this seasonal loss. Fortunately, natural solutions like Ajycapil , rich in beneficial ingredients, can be the ideal partner to support your scalp. Adopt a proactive approach: nourish your hair from the inside out to face autumn with thick and revitalized hair.