Hyaluronic acid and collagen: essential benefits for your beauty and health

Hyaluronic acid and collagen: essential benefits for your beauty and health

great supplement

The secrets of Ayurvedic massage: the Kansa Wand

The secrets of Ayurvedic massage: the Kansa Wand

Taking the time to discover yourself, to observe your body is a way of checking that you are doing well. Massaging and checking your moles, observing the veins in your legs, feeling your breasts to make sure there are no small lumps, all these things make us take care of ourselves and teach us to listen to ourselves.

In Ayurveda, each part of the face represents a different organ. These specific areas may indicate an imbalance of the doshas: Vata, Pitta and/or Kapha. Facial massage or self-massage helps balance the doshas in the body and eliminates toxins through a draining action on the lymph nodes.

Natural detoxification: body, mind, food supplements and well-being

Natural detoxification: body, mind, food supplements and well-being

Throughout history, many cultures have emphasized the importance of maintaining a pure body to promote a healthy mind. The modern world, with its various pollutions and stresses, makes this detoxification more essential than ever. When it comes to detoxification, the connection between mental well-being and physical health is undeniable.