SKIN - Skin radiance and skin balance
Our advice for taking care of your skin from the inside
In Ayurveda, we do not treat a problem in isolation but we act on both the symptom and its cause in a holistic approach.
Detoxify, purify and rehydrate. By combining AJY food supplements and Ayurvedic self-massages using AJY beauty tools and the Kansa Wand, you will promote clearer and luminous skin.
Discover our range of food supplements designed to beautify and revitalize your skin, to fight against imperfections and to regain its natural radiance by purifying it from the inside.
Boost your collagen production for smoother, firmer skin
AJYLIFT, the key to skin magnified by the power of Coll-egan®
This precursor to collagen, nicknamed the "collagen of the future", works in synergy with hyaluronic acid to naturally boost your skin's collagen production.
With this innovative formula, your skin regains radiance and youth. Vitamin C reinforces this action by supporting the formation of collagen. Ajylift is the secret to beauty that emanates from within.
♦︎ Improves skin firmness and elasticity
♦︎ Reduces wrinkles
♦︎ Respectful of animal welfare
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Hyaluronic acid and collagen: essential benefits for your beauty and health
great supplement
Practice self-massage to lift and drain the skin
In Ayurveda, there is no more sacred facial tool than the Kansa wand. The word "kansa" derives its name from Sanskrit (the native tongue of ancient India) and is the name of an alloy of copper and tin, also called "the bell metal" because Tibetans gongs and bells were often made from this material. Initially refreshing, it becomes more and more warming as it is in contact with the skin. The pressures and massages with a kansa wand provide relaxation, softening of the skin and better microcirculation. Your face appears more relaxed, as if lifted naturally.
♦︎ Increases collagen production
♦︎ Rebalances the PH of the skin
♦︎ Releases tension
♦︎ Reduce fine lines and relieve eye fatigue
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The secrets of Ayurvedic massage: the Kansa Wand
Taking the time to discover yourself, to observe your body is a way of checking that you are doing well. Massaging and checking your moles, observing the veins in your legs, feeling your breasts to make sure there are no small lumps, all these things make us take care of ourselves and teach us to listen to ourselves.
In Ayurveda, each part of the face represents a different organ. These specific areas may indicate an imbalance of the doshas: Vata, Pitta and/or Kapha. Facial massage or self-massage helps balance the doshas in the body and eliminates toxins through a draining action on the lymph nodes.
Purify the skin from the inside and improve its hydration
Skin balance is the secret of a beautiful skin… which itself contributes to self-esteem. Plants offer tremendous purifying, sebum-regulating and antioxidant properties. Ajyllumine food supplements are based on the virtues of nettle, burdock and wild pansy to help prevent skin imbalances and the appearance of imperfections.
♦︎ Deeply hydrates and purifies the skin from within
♦︎ Helps prevent imperfections
♦︎ Regulates sebum production
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Natural detoxification: body, mind, food supplements and well-being
Throughout history, many cultures have emphasized the importance of maintaining a pure body to promote a healthy mind. The modern world, with its various pollutions and stresses, makes this detoxification more essential than ever. When it comes to detoxification, the connection between mental well-being and physical health is undeniable.